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Power-On & Power-Off Brakes

A "power-on" brake is an electromagnetic brake that engages and applies braking force when power is applied, while a "power-off" brake is a brake that engages and applies braking force when power is removed, typically utilizing a spring mechanism to activate the brake when power is lost; essentially, a power-off brake acts as a failsafe mechanism to hold a load in place when power is cut off.  

Power-on brake:
Activates when power is supplied to the electromagnetic coil.  

Used in applications where immediate braking is needed upon power activation.  

May require a higher power supply to generate sufficient braking force.  

Power-off brake:
Activates when power is removed from the electromagnetic coil, relying on a spring mechanism to apply the brake.  

Considered a "fail-safe" brake as it automatically engages when power is lost.  

Commonly used in applications where holding a load in position is crucial even during power outages.

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